Yak & Yeti
Yak & Yeti Products
Yak & Yeti at SwimOutlet.com

About This brand

Yak & Yeti sells ethnic clothing and handicrafts from the Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal. Since we have opened our store, we have served the United States and Canada with high quality products.

We are a family owned business, and our philosophy is to treat our producers and customers like family. Therefore, we ensure that our products are made by employees who are treated fairly and paid reasonably and at the same time, are able to sell our products at a reasonable price. Every year, we go to Nepal to visit the family, who takes care for business over there, but also to search for new things, ensure the quality of our products and see where they are made and who makes them. Again, we believe in fair trade and success for all – our producers, our customers and ourselves!

Today, in our store we feature a variety of goods, including clothing, jewelry, masks, thankas, statues, incense and much more.